Daily Archives: November 6, 2015

I am Sam: CC Section A.

A is for the anger that Sam has when Lucy is taken away from him

B is for the birthday party that Sam threw for Lucy’s 7th birthday

C is for the court room that Sam has to go to

D is for the disappointment that Sam’s friends had when he didn’t come to movie night

E is for the excitement that Lucy has when she is reunited with Sam

F is for the fun that Sam and Lucy have together on the swing

G is for Gertie, Lucy’s social worker

H is for the happiness that Sam and Lucy have when they are together

I is for iHop, the restaurant that Sam always goes to

J is for judgement that Sam gets

K is for the kindness Sam has for everyone

L is for love Sam has for Lucy

M is for Lucy’s mother that ran away

N is for the new house that Sam bought near Lucy’s adopted family

O is for opportunity that Sam had to see his daughter

P is for the principal at Lucy’s school

Q is for quietness of Sam’s home after Lucy is taken away.

R is for Rita, Sam’s lawyer.

S is for the soccer game that Lucy played in

T is for the time that Sam and Lucy spent together

U is for the unpleasant opinions of people towards Sam

V is for the video that Sam watched of Lucy on the stand

W is for the wall that Sam made out of newspaper origami

X is for the xylophone that Lucy never had

Y is for yelling Sam did at Big Boy Bob’s

Z is for zigzags in Lucy’s drawings