I am Sam: CC Section A.

A is for the anger that Sam has when Lucy is taken away from him

B is for the birthday party that Sam threw for Lucy’s 7th birthday

C is for the court room that Sam has to go to

D is for the disappointment that Sam’s friends had when he didn’t come to movie night

E is for the excitement that Lucy has when she is reunited with Sam

F is for the fun that Sam and Lucy have together on the swing

G is for Gertie, Lucy’s social worker

H is for the happiness that Sam and Lucy have when they are together

I is for iHop, the restaurant that Sam always goes to

J is for judgement that Sam gets

K is for the kindness Sam has for everyone

L is for love Sam has for Lucy

M is for Lucy’s mother that ran away

N is for the new house that Sam bought near Lucy’s adopted family

O is for opportunity that Sam had to see his daughter

P is for the principal at Lucy’s school

Q is for quietness of Sam’s home after Lucy is taken away.

R is for Rita, Sam’s lawyer.

S is for the soccer game that Lucy played in

T is for the time that Sam and Lucy spent together

U is for the unpleasant opinions of people towards Sam

V is for the video that Sam watched of Lucy on the stand

W is for the wall that Sam made out of newspaper origami

X is for the xylophone that Lucy never had

Y is for yelling Sam did at Big Boy Bob’s

Z is for zigzags in Lucy’s drawings

1 thought on “I am Sam: CC Section A.

  1. Leah, you’ve selected some really original words to connect these phrases to the plot of the movie we watched. It shows some insight to even consider the “Quiet without Lucy” for the letter Q. One thing you could do next time is consider using formatting options to make the letter word stand out more clearly, like putting it in italics or bold.

    Nice collection of phrases for the movie!

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